4 hrs at changi (4 jam di changi???!!)

Posted by Fico , Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:51 AM

Due to something i have to spent my time 4 straight hours in changi airport, WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!
First i browse i find some nice place at my terminal (terminal 1) and decide want to visit the movie lounge and have some feet massage.
Then when i arrive at Changi i just find out that all of the fun stuff are in TRANSIT AREA in level 3. To get there i have to do immigration check and have to show my boarding pass !
I arrive at terminal 1 Changi airport because i use Air Asia. The arrival are at the 1st floor. So i just take the booklet near the exit door. And find out that the only place i could go after getting my luggage is what they call the "Public Area".
First thing first, i find something to eat. I just take the elevator to the 2nd floor of terminal 1, to the departure area. Wash my face on the toilet and then go to another floor, to the canteen (forget the name) there are several food stall there. Noodles, some coffee shops and its just not bad.
After eat, and read the book i decide to go to terminal 3. Using the train that connect the terminal its very fast, and clean. I love it !
There are more shopping there in terminal 3. I get my self some chocolate, and went to the body shop store. Its very clean and bigger terminal but not much people here.
I went to all floor using the elevator... this is just amazing.
I am thinking about free tour around singapore but i dont thin i will have enough time to come back tho.
I find theres a place where you could left your luggage at terminal 3 and 2. Its at basement i think....
Changi is a very huge place so 4 hours is not a boring time.
Bad thing is.. i just can't understand why i can not connect to the wifi????? it would be more fun if i could browse tho...
I also looking for the free internet.. but appearantly its only at the "Transit Area" uughhhhh !
But that's all right.. next time if i ever had more than 4 hours stransit here (or maybe over night at Changi) i will never mind, i got the list of places i would go to here, and still its in airport !
Please remember MOST of all are in TRANSIT AREA means you have to check in first ! if its in PUBLIC area means you don't have to check in and go through immigration check.

1. Movie Theatre
Terminal 2 & 3 transit area

2. X-BOX Game (heheheheh!!)
Terminal 2 transit area

3. Free internet
Terminal 1, 2, 3 there's over 500 internet terminals around these 3 terminal

4. Bars & Live Music (whoaaa !!)
- Harry's Bar
Terminal 1 & 2 transit area, Terminal 3 PUBLIC AREA live performance in the evening
- Stars & Legend's Bar
Terminal 1 transit area, live music start at 7 pm-11 pm
- Poolside Bar
Terminal 1 transit area
- Bill Bentley Pub
Terminal 1, PUBLIC AREA
- Hard Rock Cafe
Terminal 3 transit area

5. Shower, Fitness & spa treatment (before you enjoy your long flight??)
Terminal 1 (rainforest lounge) & 2 (plaza premium lounge) transit area

6. Rooftop swimming pool & jacuzzi (yuppp you see it right!)
Terminal 1, transit area

7. Massage and foot reflexology
Terminal 1, 2, 3 transit area

8. Rest area (where you could enjoy a nice.. errhh more comfort sleep?)
Terminal 3, transit mall .. they do have that snooze chairs !

H1N1 in Singapore (jangan parno dengan flu babi !)

Posted by Fico , Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:57 AM

A week ago i just got back from singapore, surprisingly when there's big news here and there by media about H1N1 when i pass the immigration last time in May 2009 they put the heat scanner to scan the body temperature at Changi airport... when i went there a week ago its not there anymore.
Not much other passengers wearing mask, and inside the city it self for 3 days i rarely see people there wearing mask.
Ehhhh? what happened ?
I heard its because Singapore follow Australia to consider the H1N1 as seasonal flu. They only worry if its mutated and become immune to the medication that we have to cure it. I think i ever read the same thing in CNN website.
Anyway.. with lots of precautions i feel healthy a week after my visit to singapore.
I only take 1000mg vitamin c every day (UC1000) and lots of drink and keepmy hand clean, and not touch my face with bare hand.
Bring alot of wet tissue aswell of gel based hand sanitizer. It work ! i am so happy yay !

Ps. i also found this checklist for individual/family that traveling to H1N1 destination, i hope it quite useful.

Minggu kemaren gue ke Singapore secara ada "acara" penting yang gak bakalan gue lewatkan huahaha.. sempat deg-degan waktu turun di Changi, ingat terakkhir kali mendarat di sana dari Thailand, ketat banget pengawasaanya.
Sebelum imigrasi ada scan buat panas tubuh buat ngedeteksi H1N1, apa kita kena demam ato nggak.
Tapi anehnya minggu kemaren ke sana, sepi aja tuh.. nah loohhh....

Gue heran juga kenapa di saat indonesia lagi gembar-gembor swine flu alias flu babi kok singapore malah melonggarkan airportnya?? aya naon ya?

Talking2 dengan beberapa orang, akhirnya mereka ada yang bilang (di airport) swine flu ato H1N1 kan pada dasarnya cuma flu biasa, yang mungkin berbahaya buat wanita yang hamil, anak di bawah umur 1 tahun sama lansia. Jadi mereka gak monitor lagi tuh airport.. ehhrrrr? katanya sih ngikut kebijakan yang di keluarkan oleh pemerintah australia. Jadi di airport gak ada tuh acara periksa2 atau karantina lagi.
Yang perlu di takutkan kalo misalnya virus ini bermutasi jadi kebal dengan obat (tamiflu) yang ada. Kalo jenis flunya sih sama aja dengan flu biasa (H3N2) sama2 berjenis A yang bisa menyerang tiap tahunnya.

Cuma di Indonesia aja kayaknya yang hebyoohhhh banget... mungkin gara2 masih kurang info soal jenis flu baru ini trus sama kurang menjaga kebersihan kali yee... makanya kalo bersin sama batuk tutupin tuh mulut sama hidung jangan main sembur aja kayak nagaa.. hehe..

Tapi gue bisa survive syukurnyaaa alhamdulillah !

Berbekal dengan banyak tisu basah, sama dettol gel sama berusaha gak megang daerah wajah dengan tangan langsung (padahal gatel bo !)

Sukses 3 hari survive.... dengan berbekal minum uc1000 setiap hari (promosi dah gue !) sama usahain cukup istirahat... tapi it work... ternyata memang kayak flu biasa.. kalo kita sehat2 aja gak bakalan kena kok.

H1N1 tergantung daya tahan tubuh masing.. hehehe... sehubungan dengan masa inkubasi 7 hari, setelah 7 hari gue ternyata gak kenapa2 artinya gue bebaaassss....

ps. kalo ada yang perlu checklist barang2 apa aja yang mungkin di perlukan perorangan/keluarga untuk dibawa traveling ke daerah2 yang terinfeksi H1N1 ada disini... mungkin bisa di pergunakan.