Hehe.. dulu sempat parno waktu sang "babi" di sebut2 tapi sekarang baru ngerti kalau sebenarnya flu babi bukan berarti makan babi trus kena flu-nya... (jadi ingat email dari temen yang bilang kalo gak mau kena flu babi jangan salaman sama babi.... daahh??). Setelah mengumpulkan pertanyaan2 gue coba browsing sana sini.. dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk berbagi hasil browsingan gue itu disini..
Apalagi dengan pemberitaan tentang rombongan Elfa's Singer yang pergi ke Korea buat ikut kontes nyanyi. Dari tiga ratus peserta dari indonesia 14 orang dinyatakan positif.. euuhhh.. miris... mana masih belasan tahun pula... jauh dari ortu.. oh mi god! Di Indonesia sendiri penyebaran H1N1 alias flu babi atau nama kerennya swine flu ini juga kayak gak bisa dibendung. Laporan per tanggal 13 Juli 2009 dari departemen kesehatan total kasus yang di laporkan sudah mencapai 64 kasus!! (sampai dengan hari ini loh !). Daerah tempat ditemukannya kasus H1N1 ini seperti di Bandung, Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur), Medan, dan Bali. Dan pada umumnya orang yang terjangkit virus ini adalah orang2 yang baru saja kembali dari luar negri (uhhhhhhh...)

WHO bahkan udah netapin status waspada level 6, sebab virus H1N1 ini sudah menjangkiti lebih dari 137 negara ! syereemmmm.... Hm.. fakta syerem2nya udahan dulu.. sebenarnya flu babi itu apa sih ? kok ada ..babi-nya ? (kasian bo si babi kalo di fitnah gitu...babi juga mahluk hidup kan.. hehe) Kasus dengan virus H1N1 pertama kali di laporkan di USA bulan April 2009 yang lalu. Dan kemudian menyebar ke Meksiko dan Kanada. Virus ini menyebar dari satu manusia ke manusia lainnya sama kayak penyebaran flu biasa. Flu jenis baru ini di sebut dengan flu babi sebab dari hasil lab di temukan bahwa banyak dari gen2 virus ini sangat mirip dengan gen2 virus yang terdapat pada flu yang biasa menyerang babi di Amerika Utara (kebayang babi ingusan.. hueekkkkkk).

Bagaimana virus H1N1/Flu babi menyebar????
Caranya sih sama aja kayak flu2 biasa yang kita sering temui kalo musim panca roba ato kalo badan kita lagi gak fit. Cara nularnya dari satu orang yang terjangkit H1N1 tadi, trus dia bersin/batuk2 di dekat kita. Cara lainnya adalah jika seseorang memegang barang/benda yang memiliki/terpapar oleh virus H1N1 ini dan kemudian secara tidak disadari menyentuh mulut atau hidung (wajah).
Berapa lama jarak antara seorang yang terjangkit virus H1N1 bisa menularkan virus itu kepada orang lain ?
Dikarenakan virus ini sama dengan virus flu biasa maka virus ini memiliki cara penyebaran dan waktu yang sama dengan virus flu biasa yaitu mulai dari sehari sesudahnya sampai dengan 7 hari setelah terinfeksi oleh virus tersebut..
Apa saja gejala dari orang yang terjangkit virus H1N1?
Gejala penyakit flu babi ini sama dengan gejala penyakit flu biasa termasuk seperti demam, batuk, peradangan tenggorokan, batuk, pilek, nyeri tubuh, sakit kepala, meriang/kedinginan, dan merasa kelelahan. Beberapa orang yang terjangkit flu ini juga melaporkan gejala lainnya seperti diare dan muntah-muntah.

Gimana dunks cara mencegah tertular virus H1N1/flu babi ini?
Secara... gak ada vaksin yang bisa ngebuat kita kebal terhadap virus ini.. yang ada cuma cara2 "biasa" yang bisa lumayan melindungi kita dari tertular dari virus ini. Saran pertamanya sih dimana2 untuk menghindari bepergian ke tempat yang terdapat kasus virus flu babi/H1N1 ini... tapi kalo.. hehe tiketnya sayang.. (deuuhhh!) trus gak bisa di elakin lagi yah.. ada sih beberapa cara buat pencegahan selagi di tempat/negara tersebut.
- Menutup mulut & hidung dengan tisu ketika bersin atau batuk, dan langsung membuang tisu ini ke dalam tong sampah.
- Sering mencuci tangan dengan air dan sabun, terutama setelah bersin/batuk. Kalau mau lebih praktis, mendingan beli pembunuh kuman yang berbahan alkohol gel (diatas 60%), jadi bisa di bawa2 di tas (antis, dettol, etc), alkohol juga bisa membunuh virus ini secara efektif.
- Hindari menyentuh wajah, mata, hidung, mulut. Inilah jalan untuk virus H1N1 masuk kedalam tubuh kita.
- Hindari kontak dengan orang yang menderita flu (bersin? jauuuhhhh dah !)
- Tetap tinggal di rumah jika dalam waktu selama 7 hari kamu sakit, demam, pilek dan batuk atau dengan ciri2 seperti gejala H1N1, jadi gak nularin penyakit ini ke orang lain (kasina bo.. apalagi kalo anak kecil yang ketularan.. hiks)
- Cara lainnya.. yah ikutin deh saran pemerintah.. termasuk kalo disuruh untuk menghindari tempat2 umum yang rame... (atau untuk bepergian ..mungkin?)
Gimana ternyata kalau dalam perjalanan kita sakit dengan gejala flu gitu??Jangan parno dulu. Gak setiap flu itu H1N1 atau flu babi. Tapi sebisa mungkin kalau terkena flu hindari berhubungan/melakukan kontak langsung dengan orang lain. Jangan/hindari bepergian terlebih dahulu, sampai dengan 7 hari setelah gejala hilang (bisa lebih lama lagi). Tutup mulut&hidung ketika bersin atau batuk, ini bisa mencegah orang2 disekeliling kita ikut terjangkit virus ini (kalau memang ternyata pada akhirnya kita beneran positif.. idih.. amit2 !). Kalau gak ada tisu pake baju juga boleh lah (ingat2 sudah nyampe dirumah bersihkan dengan sedikit desinfektan!). Sudah bersin/batuk juga ingat untuk mencuci tangan/membilas dengan cairan alkohol.Cara terbaik buat membersihkan tangan agar tidak terinfeksi flu gimanaa?Pokoke.. yang penting adalah membersihkan tangan SESERING mungkin buat ngelindungi kita dari kuman2 biang penyakit. Tangan HARUS dicuci dengan air dan sabun atau dengan alkohol gel, atau dengan tisu basah yang memiliki desinfektan atau pembunuh kuman/alkohol. Tisu, atau gel alkohol ini bisa kok di temui di swalayan2.
Hmm... secara gue suka banget berenang (kalo bisa di lakuin selama perjalanan)... kira2 air kolam renang di tempat umum kayak hotel gitu bisa gak ya jadi media penularan flu babi?
Virus flu biasa menular melalui jalur pernapasan.. belum ada di temukan kasus-kasus yang mana virus flu tersebut di tularkan dengan perantara air. Air kolam renang biasanya juga melalui proses dengan menggunakan desinfektan yang bisa membunuh kuman-kuman yang bisa mengurangi resiko tertular H1N1 atau flu babi ini melalui air kolam renang.
Tapi sampai sejauh ini masih belum ada penelitian yang lebih mendalam tentang kemungkinan penularan virus ini melalui air kolam renang, spa, waterpark, air mancur, dan sarana rekreasi air lainnya (karena air tersebut telah di olah dan di beri klorin).
Apalagi jika memang air-air tersebut telah melalui proses peng-klorinan yang sesuai dengan standar kesehatan (1-3 bagian per juta (ppm atau mg/L) untuk kolam renang dan 2-5 ppm untuk spa), standar ini sangat manjur untuk membunuh virus flu burung (H5N1). Dan seperti virus flu lainnya virus flu babi H1N1 juga memiliki sifat yang sama, bisa di musnahkan dengan klorin.
Trus, setelah menyimpulkan kembali hasil "temuan" gue di internet, berikut ini adalah saran2 buat teman2 yang bakalan traveling ke tempat2 yang menjadi pandemik flu babi H1N1 ini...
Nah, ini yang penting.. orang-orang yang di anjurkan untuk tidak melakukan traveling selama pandemi flu babi ini adalah (memiliki resiko tinggi terkena H1N1):1. Anak-anak di bawah umur 5 tahun
2. Orang tua yang berumur lebih dari 65 tahun
3. Anak-anak dan "orang dewasa" (hehe yang masih di bawah 18 tahun) yang sedang melakukan terapi pengobatan dengan menggunakan aspirin. Karena efek dari pengobatan ini, mereka kemungkinan akan mengalami reye syndrom setelah terkena virus flu.
4. Wanita hamil
5. Orang dewasa dan anak-anak yang memiliki penyakit; Paru-paru kronis, Hepatitis, penyakit jantung, kencing manis, kelainan metabolisme, darah, dan pembulu darah.
6. Orang dewasa dan anak-anak yang mengalami penurunan daya tahan tubuh (baik yang disebabkan oleh pengobatan, ataupun penyakit seperti HIV)
Orang2 yang berbadan sehat/fit (gak sakit flu dll) bisa merencanakan perjalanan mereka se normal mungkin, dan mengikuti anjuran2 untuk melindungi diri mereka dari penyakit.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum bepergian: - Mencari informasi tentang keadaan tempat yang akan di kunjungi.
- Mengetahui resiko2 penyakit lain yang terdapat di tempat tujuan dan rekomendasi perjalanan ketempat tujuan.
- Membawa perlengkapan kesehatan seperti alat2 dasar P3K dan persediaan obat-obatan pribadi.
- Asuransi kesehatan (bisa cover internasional apa gak?)
- Memeriksakan kesehatan sebelum hari keberangkatan
- Jangan bepergian dalam keadaan tubuh kurang fit/sakit. Jika mengalami penyakit yang gejalanya mirip dengan penyakit flu, sebaiknya tetap di rumah dan menghindari traveling sampai dengan 7 hari setelah pertama kali sakit atau setidaknya 24 jam setelah semua gejala flu tersebut hilang (bisa lebih lama lagi). Ini untuk mencegah orang lain tertular flu tersebut.

Selama perjalanan/traveling sebaiknya: - Memperhatikan pengumuman yang di buat oleh pemerintah setempat/institusi kesehatan setempat tentang situasi pandemik H1N1.
- Mematuhi setiap larangan bepergian atau tindakan pencegahan yang di keluarkan.
- Hampir di setiap negara memberlakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan di terminal kedatangan/keberangkatan yang berkaitan dengan gejala penyakit flu babi atau H1N1 sebagai pencegahan agar penyakit ini tidak semakin menyebar. (Ada kemungkinan keterlambatan dalam keberangkatan.. jadi kalo milih pesawat jangan yang terlalu mepet waktunye yeee).
- Melakukan tindakan pencegahan penularan flu babi H1N1 seperti : mencuci tangan sesering mungkin dengan air dan sabun atau dengan alkohol diatas 60 % apalagi sesudah bersin atau batuk. Menutup mulut & hidung ketika bersin atau batuk. Sebisa mungkin menghindari kontak dengan orang yang sakit.
Apa yang harus kita lakukan jika kita sakit selama perjalanan ????Idih.. amit2 ! tapi menurut situs CDC sebenarnya sebagian besar penderita flu ini bisa diobati dengan obat flu biasa tanpa diharuskan untuk mendapatkan perawatan yang serius. Tapi kalau penyakit flunya disertai dengan komplikasi lain, memang di haruskan untuk mendatangi rumahsakit atau klinik kesehatan terdekat. Jangan lupa menggunakan masker untuk menghindari penularan kepada orang lain ya....Mudah-mudahan sedikit tulisan ini bisa memberikan pencerahan soal H1N1 atau flu babi.

Okay i'll try to made this sound serious, but not causing a panic attack ! Its kind of scary when you have to traveling in the middle of the H1N1 news here and there (WHO raised the level of concern to level 6 since its spreading in all 5 continent or more that 70 countries !!). But sometimes you just can't avoid to be in the country where there's a lot of people infected by this virus. Or you actually already plan the trip when the news about the H1N1 not as much as these days This flu first time hit in Mexico, and then spread through to the continent and as these days human traveling around the world on daily basis the spread of this virus is unstoppable.
What is novel H1N1 (swine flu)?
Novel H1N1 (referred to as “swine flu” early on) is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. Other countries, including Mexico and Canada, have reported people sick with this new virus. This virus is spreading from person-to-person, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread.
Why is novel H1N1 virus sometimes called “swine flu”?
This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and avian genes and human genes. Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant" virus.

How does novel H1N1 virus spread? Spread of novel H1N1 virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
How long can an infected person spread this virus to others?
At the current time, CDC believes that this virus has the same properties in terms of spread as seasonal flu viruses. With seasonal flu, studies have shown that people may be contagious from one day before they develop symptoms to up to 7 days after they get sick. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods. CDC is studying the virus and its capabilities to try to learn more and will provide more information as it becomes available.
What are the signs and symptoms of this virus in people?The symptoms of novel H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. Also, like seasonal flu, severe illnesses and death has occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus. There are several things we could do to prevent this flu.
What should we do to keep from getting the flu?There is no vaccine available right now to protect against this new H1N1 virus. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Also take these everyday steps to protect your health:
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• Stay home if you are sick for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer. This is to keep from infecting others and spreading the virus further.
Other important actions that you can take are—
• Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
• Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home for a week or so; a supply of over-the-counter medicines, alcohol-based hand rubs, tissues and other related items might could be useful and help avoid the need to make trips out in public while you are sick and contagious.
What is the best way to keep from spreading the virus through coughing or sneezing?
If you are sick, limit your contact with other people as much as possible. Do not go to work or school if ill for 7 days or until your symptoms go away (whichever is longer). Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Put your used tissue in the waste basket. Cover your cough or sneeze if you do not have a tissue. Then, clean your hands, and do so every time you cough or sneeze.

What is the best technique for washing my hands to avoid getting the flu?
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. Wash with soap and water or clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner. We recommend that when you wash your hands—with soap and warm water—that you wash for 15 to 20 seconds. When soap and water are not available, alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may be used. You can find them in most supermarkets and drugstores. If using gel, rub your hands until the gel is dry. The gel doesn't need water to work; the alcohol in it kills the germs on your hands.
Can novel H1N1 flu virus be spread through water in swimming pools, spas, water parks, interactive fountains, and other treated recreational water venues?
Influenza viruses infect the human upper respiratory tract. There has never been a documented case of influenza virus infection associated with water exposure. Recreational water that has been treated at CDC recommended disinfectant levels does not likely pose a risk for transmission of influenza viruses. No research has been completed on the susceptibility of novel H1N1 influenza virus to chlorine and other disinfectants used in swimming pools, spas, water parks, interactive fountains, and other treated recreational venues. However, recent studies have demonstrated that free chlorine levels recommended by CDC (1–3 parts per million [ppm or mg/L] for pools and 2–5 ppm for spas) are adequate to disinfect avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. It is likely that other influenza viruses such as novel H1N1 virus would also be similarly disinfected by chlorine.Recommendations for Travel to Areas Reporting Novel H1N1 Flu
CDC recommends that travelers at high risk for complications from any form of flu discuss their travel plans with their doctor. Together, they should look carefully at the H1N1 flu situation in their destination and the available health-care options in the area. They should discuss their specific health situations and possible increased risk of traveling to the area affected by novel H1N1 flu.
Travelers at high risk for complications include:
- Children less than 5 years of age
- Persons aged 65 years or older
- Children and adolescents (less than 18 years) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and who might be at risk for experiencing Reye syndrome after influenza virus infection
- Pregnant women
- Adults and children who have chronic pulmonary, cardiovascular, hepatic, hematological, neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disorders
- Adults and children who have immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by HIV)
Healthy people may make travel plans as they normally would and take common sense precautions to protect their health during travel.
Before Your Trip
If you are planning travel to an area where cases of novel H1N1 flu are being reported, the following recommendations will help you reduce your risk of infection and stay healthy.
Prepare for your trip
- Stay informed. Check updates from the sources listed in the “Current Situation” section above.
- Be sure you are up-to-date with all your routine vaccinations, including seasonal influenza vaccine, when available.
- Find out about the other health risks and travel recommendations for your destination.
- Pack a travel health kit that contains basic first aid and medical supplies.
- Identify the health-care resources in the area(s) you will be visiting.
- Find out if your health insurance plan will cover medical care during your trip; many insurance companies do NOT cover these costs.
- CDC recommends purchasing additional insurance that covers medical care costs during international travel and medical evacuation.
- For more information, see Medical Information for Americans Traveling Abroad from the U.S. Department of State.
- Remember that U.S. embassies, consulates and military facilities do not evacuate or give medications, vaccines, or medical care to private U.S. citizens during international travel.
Check your own health
Do not travel if you are sick.
If you have flu-like symptoms, you should stay home and avoid travel for 7 days after you get sick or for at least 24 hours after you stop having symptoms, whichever is longer. This is to keep others from getting the virus.
- Symptoms of novel H1N1 flu virus are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
- Some people also have diarrhea and vomiting.
During Your Trip
Follow local guidelines
- Pay attention to announcements from the local government and monitor the local health and security situation.
- Follow any movement restrictions and prevention recommendations.
- Be aware that some countries are checking the health of arriving and/or exiting passengers and screening them for illness due to novel H1N1 flu to prevent others from getting sick. For more information, see the Possible International Travel Delays Due to Novel H1N1 Flu Screening Procedures announcement.
Practice healthy habits to help stop the spread of novel H1N1 flu
- Wash your hands often with soap and running water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Use alcohol-based hand gels (containing at least 60% alcohol) when soap is not available and hands are not visibly dirty.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and put your used tissue in the trash. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
- Avoid close contact with sick people.
What to do if you feel sick ?
- It is expected that most people will recover without needing medical care.
- If you have severe illness or you are at high risk for flu complications, seek medical care.
- A U.S. consular officer can help you find local medical care in a foreign country. To contact the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country you are visiting, call Overseas Citizens Services at:
- Avoid further travel for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Wash your hands often with soap and running water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand gels are also effective.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Follow all local health recommendations. For example, if you are sick, you may be asked to put on a surgical mask to protect others or to stay in your home or hotel to prevent the spread of novel H1N1 flu.
Important Links:1. CDC2. Wikipedia
I live in Jambi for almost the rest of my life. The only time i left Jambi when i went studying in a University in Lampung Province (at the edge of Sumatra).
How to go to Jambi with flights ever discussed on one of my post here. There are several people also ask where they should stay in Jambi so.. after browse i found these hotel list, number 1 is the most fave hotel here in Jambi:
- Novotel Jambi
JAMBI -Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 44, Jambi 36134
+62-741-27208, 50808 / +62-741-27209
novotel@jambi.wasantara.net.id - Abadi Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 92-98, Jambi 36134
+62-741-25600 / +62-741-23065
hotelabadi@jambi.wasantara.net.id - Jambi Tepian Ratu Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Slamet Riyadi No.40, Jambi 36121
+62-741-668888 / +62-741-667788
tepianratu@jambi.wasantara.net.id - Grand Hotel Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Prof. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 51-54, Jambi 36135
+62-741-64398, 60286 - "88" Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Halim Perdana Kusuma No. 8, Jambi 36134
+62-741-33266, 31188, 33287 - Adipura Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 119, jambi 36251
+62-741-60200, 60900, 62873 - Aini Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Prof. h. Moh. Yamin SH No. 19, Jambi 36135
+62-741-61025 - CatLeya Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Prof. Dr. Sri Sudewi Maschun Sofyan, SH No. 12, Jambi 36122
+62-741-62256 - Dahlia Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Iskandar Muda Muda 100, Jambi 36134
+62-741-52309, 50863 - Isti Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Panglima Polim No. 12
+62-741-22667 - Jambi Raya Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Camar I No. 45-48, Jambi 36134
+62-741-34971, 21175 / +62-741-34972 - Kursina Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Arif Rahman Hakim 2, Jambi 36124
+62-741-62484 / +62-741-667321 - Makmur Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Husni Thamrin No.14, Jambi, 36112
+62-741-22324, 23226 / +62-741-25507 - Marisa Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Kol. Abun Jani 12, Jambi 36129
+62-741-60533, 60363, 60677 /+62-741-33160 - Matahari 1 Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Sultan Agung 67A, Jambi 36135
+62-741-24610, 20451 / +62-741-33160 - Merdeka Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 33
+62-741-60576 - Mexiana Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Halim Perdana Kusuma No. 10, Jambi
+62-741-22163, 51449 - Mustika Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Sultan Agung No. 81, Jambi 36112
+62-741-24672 - Nusa Wijaya Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Kol. Abunjani No.14 Rt. 22, Jambi 36129
+62-741-60154, 61569 - Palem Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. Soekarno-Hatta No. 45, Jambi 36139
+62-741-25164 - Penawaran Inn
JAMBI -Jln. Kolonel pol. M. Taher No. 55, Jambi 36142
+62-741-22650, 236650 - Perdana Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. P. Hidayat Kota Baru, Jambi
+62-741-42182 - Pinang Hotel
JAMBI -Jln. M. Husni Thamrin Rt. 05
+62-741-22521, 23969
When i work a lot of people when heard i am from Jambi (when i was in Lampung) will somehow related me to the primitive tribe that in habit Jambi Province that known as "Suku Anak Dalam" or "Kubu" (have bad meaning as stupid or savage, don't call them with this...). Its hard to explain its kind of different between the tribe and my family roots comes from very different place. So upset that i made this primitive tribe as my final "small thesis" for my graduation at university. I went down to jungle several time, walk more than 12 km's inside the jungle to meet this tribe. And had several explanation about things related to my writing.

Jambi province is a small province in Sumatra island. Not so extravagant like other province like North Sumatra (Medan) or West Sumatra (Padang) or even South Sumatra (Palembang), or Lampung. The city centre is quiet place with only few shopping malls. Its not a jungle, but also not a big city like Jakarta or Batam (more close to Batam tho.. and more pretty than Batam).
Several places to visit for tourism like the jambi batik centre in the other side of the river (called "Jambi Seberang").
In here you could see how jambi batik made. Its very different than Java batik theres several main colors like blue, red and green. Also there's no animal picture. I think the style that i know is "durian pecah", "kapal perang" and "bungo manggis" i forget other style. But its all nice. The price would be depend on the material where the batik is done. I prefer hand made batik because its so nice and smooth..... and the nearest interesting place 30 min from city centre would be the Candi Muara Jambi or Muara Jambi Temple.

I went to the temple 4 times in my whole life. I like the site, its full of tree and theres a human made lake, lots of durian tree (haha.. i know ! for some its a yucky fruit!). But the main thing is the temple. Its one of the biggest temple in Sumatra island. Belong to Srivijaya Kingdom that rules most of Indonesia during it time. A very well known kingdom that known until the Burmese ( i ever read this somewhere). Its not as huge and well maintaned like in Thailand, so sad to admit. This could be some source of income from the government but i don't think they really serious doing this tourism thing. First time i went there, i was still in primary school, and second time when i was in elementary school there was a malay people festival, and its really awesome because there so many malay culture that comes from Jambi showed there.

They perform act based on jambi malay culture, there was dancing and music. Also "pantun" (its a traditional poetry) i like to hear that. Last time i went there at highschool i think i was 16. I went there with my family. We set a tent and stay there the whole day, its like a family picnic. Its fun to do. I don't know if they allow to camp all night or if it is safe to do. Because its quite a jungle. Other place worth the visit maybe the river bank at the afternoon. Its very calming to see. I used to eat at WTC shopping mall next to the river bank at one of Japanese restaurant "Zenbu" (no, they don't have sushi...too bad). And sit there to watch sunset and the river life. Sometimes if you were lucky you will see some jambi chinese will swim across the river.. i think they did that weekly. The river it self not a small one.. maybe almost 1 km stretch. Kind of remind of river in Bangkok (Chao Praya or something ?). Or if you want to go more down to earth style, you could go to a place called "Taman Tanggo Rajo" or called "ancol" by most of Jambinese (yup sound like Jakarta ancol). Okay i think thats several places in Jambi city you could visit.
Outside Jambi... hmmm.. i could think a place that i call a piece of heaven.. (wink wink).
My mom family comes from a region called Kerinci. They use to have flight from Jambi to Kerinci, but i think they finally close it down. The only way i think using a land transportation.
Its 8 hrs car ride from Jambi. Some people said it is closer to West Sumatra or Padang. Kerinci have the highest mountain in Sumatra. You could go there using a travel car (small mini buses, with crazy driver) or small bus (will take you longer but not made you have heart attack). I mostly use travel/bus from "Safa Marwa" company. There are plenty hotel build in this regency lately.. i am glad they fix the accomodation problem these days. If you want to travel around this regency the best way i think is to rent a motorcycle or "ojek". The road is small and sometimes bumpy. But i think its not far from Bali Road, its almost the same road that connect Kuta and Ubud.
There are other way to go to Kerinci like from Padang..West Sumatra so for the comparison of distance i think i found something: - Padang - Muara Labuh - Sungai Penuh (249 Km)
- Padang - Painan – Tapan – Sungai Panuh (277 Km)
- Bukut Tinggi – Solok – Muaro Labuh – Sungai Penuh ( Km)
- Jambi – bangko – Sungai Penuh (465 Km)
- Kuala Tungkal – Jambi – Bangko – Sungai Penuh (726 Km)
- Palembang – Jambi – Bangko – Sungai Penuh (726 Km)
- Bengkulu – Tapan – Sungai Penuh (879 Km)
An update:
There's a flight from Jambi straight to Kerinci Regency using Riau Airlines. They fly twice a week (Monday and Friday) at 9 am. I think you should contact a travel agent to book this flight because i can't seem find anything on their website about this flight, but it is advertised in local news paper (Jambi Newspaper).
And for the accommodation there you could stay on these hotel:- Hotel Busana, Jl. RE.Martadinata Telp. (0748) 21122 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Yani, Jl. Muradi No.1 Telp. (0748) 21409 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Matehari, Jl. Basuki Rahmat Telp. (0748) 21061 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Aroma, Jl. R.A. Kartini No.2 Telp. (0748) 21142 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Masgo Kencana, Jl. Yos Sudarso No.21 Telp (0748) 22690 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Kayu Manis, Jl. RE. Martadinata Telp. (0748) 21226 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Anak Gunung, Jl. H. Agua Salim Telp. (0748) 21269 Sungai Penuh
- Hotel Jaya, Jl. RE. Martadinata Telp. (0748) 21221 Sungai Penuh
There are plenty places you could stay, from Sungai Penuh (center of the regency) or in Kayu Aro (on the way to Kerinci mountain, very cold, and near the tea plantation).
There is a lot of things i like in Kerinci.
1. Hot Spring in Rawang
Only few minutes walk from my great grandmother house. This is for free, and its quite open place. If you want to go here bring your shirt and short to bath. Not far from here if you are in adventure mode, you could walk to the 7 storey waterfall. Its quite a walk up, but its really fun.
2. Telun Berasap Waterfall
Placed on the way to Kayu Aro... very high, very cold.. amazing scenery.. worth the ride up there. A lots of news said this waterfall will be use as source of electricity for most province in sumatra. Its very high and the sound is so loud. Water so fresh and cold. The stairs to go down is very slippery so you better be careful.
3. Tea plantation
This tea plantation almost the same like in Puncak West Java/near Jakarta. But this is like 4 time bigger, and oh my God the scenery awesome !its on the way to the Kerinci Mountain. You will need to rent a car to go here, i don't know the public transport but its really really worth the visit.
4. Kerinci Lake

Last time me and family went here for a family picnic. We had our lunch there in a place name "Pesangrahan" there's a floating place where you could eat your lunch. The lake it self amazing... but thing that i don't like is the water hyacinth. Its cover like 40 % of the lake. But the water oh so crystal clear.. hehe but too cold for me to swim.
5. Root Bridge
I forgot where exactly the place is... but its in Rawang area. I went there on the way to the traditional market in early morning.
6. Huge Semurup hot spring
Bigger, have bathroom and range of the water temperature. There is small pond you could boil eggs. There used to be swimming pool also, but i think they don't use this anymore because its not clean (uhh yuck).
7. Made handcraft... i made a may from leaves
8. Flying huge kite in a dry rice field
9. Eating lunch in rice field oohhhh like the wind and scenery... even Ubud Bali is nothing compare to this !!
10. Foto hunting...
There are so much to do there.. even riding a buffalo is quite fun. I never feel bored visit Kerinci.. because its really worth the journey. The nature really beautiful and still pure.. i like the people also.. even they shy to me hehehe.. so i don't know how they handle western people. I think only very few of them speak english.
I ever stay here for a month.. really ! its not even close with Chiang Mai... well okay they have elephant tour.. but i think still Kerinci win it all. Well they had so many things to fix like the accommodation and transportation.... but if they had this.. oh God... i really going to help them promote this place..
Even as one of people from Kerinci there are so many thing that i haven't explore in Kerinci.
One of the amazing place that i haven't see is Danau Gunung Tujuh or Seven Mountain Lake. This lake is so special because this lake is the HIGHEST LAKE IN SOUTH EAST ASIA. This lake is 1.996 meter above the sea level. This lake is surrounded by 7 mountain summit that's where the name come from. My high school friends went there on my 2nd grade, and they said it was unforgettable journey. Because the lake is still natural and so crystal clear, but its worth the hike (it is 51 Km from Sungai Penuh/the center of the regency).I've been there... so i know.. they could be much better !
Nb. I got all of these pictures online by googling, so it is not the pictures that i take by my self...
Posted by
12:22 AM

Amboooiiiiii ! (hehe) Pesan tiket dari akhir bulan kemaren sampe minggu kedua bulan Juli ternyata "mematikan !!" I can't get cheap flights from Jambi to Jakarta V.V !! semua harganya di ATAS Rp 500.000,- all the price lowest is US$50.. uugghhhhhh !!! Its quite tricky when you book flights on school holidays. Lesson that i learn for sure is to know when is the school holidays ! When they're about to go back to school the price will up once again and then after the school begin the price will slowly back to normal. Its actually a good marketing.. hehe but bad for people who traveling monthly. Its happened to the operators and other employee here. I just check with mandala airways flights, the price is up to Rp 900.000,00 one way.. nearly a million rupiahs (about US$ 100). Masa tiket ke jakarta yang nota bene lama penerbangan 45 menit seharga Rp 1 juta sih ?? gilaaaaaaaa ! Makanya traveling di indonesia syuusyaaahhh huuu huuu!
Rencananya sih mau berangkat di akhir bulan.. hueheuehhe.. tapi belum dapat tiket juga.. sebel kalo di bandingkan dengan Air Asia yang ngeluarin promo2 asik ke luar negri gitu.. napa perusahaan lokal gak bisa ya ? Tiket ke Malaysia atau ke Singapore di bandrol 2 ratus ribuan.. hiks miris liat harga tiket online...
What i don't really like about booking flight ticket in indonesia is, its just the same like gambling, when you book earlier it could be cheaper or more expensive than if you book near your departure date.. it could be very anoyying because the price difference cold up to Rp 200,000,- ! its lots of difference for me ! (Rp 200,000,- could pay international airport tax and lunch/dinner at airport Mc D's.. hehe).
Kayaknya musti sabar nunggu sekolah mulai.. hiks.. hiks.. berdebar takut kehabisan tiket... 
Most of our flights ticket are booked through internet booking with cc (credit card) help.
Its a facility that we should use in order to get some fare discount due to early book.
Recently my friend help me book a flight with Air Asia but because of rushing my friend carelessly didn't put my whole name as on my id on the flight ticket.

I read few blogs and the mailing list that there should be no difference between name on the ticket with the passport. My full name at passport is **fika ***iana Ch***ul An*** but instead of write the complete full long name my friend just type **fika An***. Maybe because the space that they gave is so small..or maybe the connection.. uhm.. don't know. I found it out two days after i check the confirmation letters from air asia.
I know that if i didn't do anything to it they will ask for Rp 200.000,- for changing the name, or worse they will ask me to get another flight ticket. Could be a chaos thing if on the day i leave i know about that right on the check-in counter.
So i call the call centre for Air Asia at +62 21 50505088 at 8 am first call the c.s not so welcome about my problem. So i decide to call again. I also had another issue due to i want to resize my luggage and i don't know why there is seemed problem with the website connection (not my internet connection). He ask me to pay for Rp 200.000,- as i expected but then i said i'll think about it and hang up. I call back again nearly lunch time and this time its a nice women who answer the phone.
She was very friendly and i explain what happened. She offer me help by sending her my passport scan and right after i send her about 40 minutes later she issue new flight ticket for me with no charge at all !
Maybe i was just lucky.... and maybe also because the flight ticket that i bought not a promo flight ticket so its a regular fare so they don't made it hard.
So next time just remember to double check, and re-check again before you confirm the flight ticket on e-booking because its really cost you headick and money for sure !
Cheers !